There is something about this space that I fell in love with. This may sound strange, but it reminds me of forts my brother and I used to make in my grandparents hay barn. We would rearrange the hay to create tunnels and rooms within the "50 foot high and 50 foot deep" stacks of hay bales. I actually have no idea how high the hay bales were stacked, but as a little girl, the stacks were SO tall! We would play for hours in our imaginary apartment, building volumes and seating within the space. My grandma would even bring us lunch inside the fort. In my mind this is what my hay apartment looked like, well minus the ultra modern furniture! These volumes of raw wood are used to create multifunctional areas within this loft.
ANYSPACE is actually an old diamond cutting and polishing shop in Antwerp that has been reorganized into lofts and newly built spaces. If you are familiar with kitchen and bathroom design you are aware of the challenges you face with installing or relocating plumbing in a concrete slab. This is a genius idea to build up the floor with these sculptural volumes to avoid this expensive and labor intensive task. I hope you can appreciate this space as much as I do!

I found these images via an amazing site,
OWI//Office for Word and Image, which I found through one of my favorite blogs
Bloesem. This photography is the work of the talented Jan Kempenaers.