I highly suggest checking out the entire story at New York Times!
Photo credit: Trevor Tondro
Bob Rifo is the mastermind behind the Venom mask and the Bloody Beetroots. It is he who is responsible for their myriad creations. After years of studying classical music such as Beethoven and Debussy, Rifo tuned into the punk, electronic, and 80’s new wave music. After a “dizzying odyssey” called his first solo project, Rifo created Bloody Beetroots as his alter ego which draws on all of his life experiences to date. His goal is to work with artists around the world, and poise Bloody Beetroots as a truly international sound. “I want to sit at the table with a Chinese person one day, and the next with an African, and the day after with a Vietnamese, and absorb their different cultures, to learn and to inspire myself and my music,” Rifo insists. Ok Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo I will get the table set!
As a band that is constantly redefining the way people view the music and scene in which they perform, the space must represent the same ideals. The pieces of furniture although traditional in their purpose are breaking all sorts of boundaries. Come on in, hang your coat up on that rope over there…no it’s not an escape route! Have a seat in this memory chair…don’t worry it won’t forget you! Oh I’ll get the milk…oops that’s a light! I am sure they will be projecting the amazing creation of their latest video “DOMINO” on these stark white walls. This song and the video, through the combination of music, image, and cinematography, defines their commitment of exploration of the ways to build another conception in music.