
Monday, August 2, 2010

So Inspired by Tiffany Porter

Finally feeling at peace after a crazy week last week! Today is a chilled out ponytail and no makeup kinda day! Just taking a quick break from designing, listening to Eclectic 24, obsessing over The Rescues, and drooling over the home of Old Hollywood's shop owner and fashion stylist Tiffany Porter.

the hat installation is crazy cool!

that mirror headboard is kinda sexy.
black doors. love black doors.
This is the color my room would be if it was up to me!

Tiffany if you ever want to beat the heat I'll do an apartment swap in Venice Beach. I have an owl collection too:-)

images: From Me To You
interview with Tiffany: Working Class Mag
keep checking back for the amazing series: At Home With (behind the doors of real people in NYC)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl! Would love to visit Venice Beach! Maybe we can arrange that this summer? My place is even more rad these days!

    Thanks for the love,
    All the best,
