
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Photos on Tumblr

I have a great camera that I don't use or know how to use nearly as much or as good as I should. I started a little series earlier in the year, well at least I have a dusty folder on my computer, called Sunday Morning Walks. So rather than letting these photos collect even more dust in my folders I decided to start posting them on my Tumblr site, which had also been collecting loads of dust. Hopefully this will also inspire me to get out and photograph more and maybe one day I can stop saying, "I have a camera, but I really suck at using it!" Venice Beach is such a colorful, quirky, and loud place, but as I walk around with my headphones snapping shots in black and white it feels very serene to me. Walk out my front door with me...

You can keep up on life through my lens over on Tumblr.


  1. oh Annie!! your images are sooo amazing, I love the way you place the camera in the most unnexpected way. x

  2. You're too sweet! I need a lot more practice let me tell you:-)
