
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Share the Love!

My goal this week was to give my blog + readers more love and post everyday! And goal achieved...yay!!!!

This image is from Fancy! a New Zealand Design Blog that I just discovered and LOVE! These amazing hand cut paper-cuts are Made by Julene and you should check out her entire
collection! They are pretty cool!

This is an image from Mackin Ink. I love this blog and the writing style of Karey. She cracks me up and sometimes makes me go "hmmm....?" Also check out her other site The Sweeterie by T.Ruffles "a creative confectionery where we make candy for your soul. twice daily."
Thank you Anne at The City Sage for the link love. I heart your blog! Oh and thanks for the amazing outfit you posted on Tuesday I'm dying to go shopping now! This heart rug by the Rug Company is just too cute!
Love...World by Soooooound

Thanks Kristin at Inspired Designer for listing me this week in your Blog Favorites! Her blog features great music selections and concert posters, which I am obsessed with, and fabulous interior design inspiration! She is also a practicing interior yay for that! This is one of my new favorites!

Have an amazing weekend!

Who do you love rug.


  1. your name is annie may?! like, my two fave names in one!

    love love love. and digging your style very much. will be back.

    and p.s. your words about me made me crack up, go hmmmm, and then smile a giant grin. thank you for all of that. xoxo.

  2. thanks lady! great post as well on your very fabulous blog!
