
Monday, November 16, 2009

Holy Snow Balls!

I received this photo from my clients in Bozeman, Montana today. Isn't it gorgeous?! It snowed like 30 inches there last week!

I just told my fiance yesterday, we have to get a Christmas Tree this year. So this photo of the gorgeous snow and our conversation about the Christmas tree got me thinking about decorations today...take a look at a few of my favorites I found on Etsy!

3 ft. Modern Tannenbaum by .SilverCocoon. on Etsy

Snowy Owl by tiny warbler

Fancy Chandelier in natural birch by uncommon

Garland Strand Christmas Winter Ornament by anastasiajaminhome

My friend said the other day that she feels like she's cheating on Thanksgiving with all these great thoughts she's having about Christmas. I thought that was hilarious:-)

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