
Monday, September 14, 2009

The Perfect Outdoor Room!

What a fabulous little outdoor room! I am imagining a stream directly outside the front door, the sounds of birds chirping, and an outdoor shower:-) Now this is my kind of camping. I would love waking up to the sunshine and spending the day exploring!


  1. You always find the greatest inspiration be it architecture or design. This space is fabulous.

  2. This has to be my favorite thing that I've seen all month. It's so simplistic, but so perfect. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. @ JFM this is seriously my favorite thing I've seen as well! I was in a little rut where there wasn't anything that was grabbing my attention and when I stumbled upon this my jaw dropped! I want to be transported there...NOW! @ Nuit, this is my dream as well, for now:-)
