
Monday, September 21, 2009

Jill Stuart's Dreamy Home!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was short, but super sweet! I actually had some time to relax on Sunday, get some cleaning done, spend some time at the beach, go rollerblading, go out on a beautiful date with my fiance, and still get some work done! It felt so good to clean up my apartment a bit and as much as I love my space I am dying to make some changes to it. As I was cleaning I came across this issue of Elle Decor featuring the home of of fashion designer Jill Stuart and started to daydream! I just love the crispness and freshness of this apartment with the use of bold artwork and sophisticated details. Her place has a soft feminine touch without being too cutesy or trendy! I love it!


  1. Well... this is perfection. I LOVE it. If I had the money this is EXACTLY how my house would look like ;) but of course, there is always creativity.... Happy week! and congrats on another great post.
