
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Great Find: Saini Salonen Vintage Drapery!

Alright, I'm back:-) We finally got moved into our new place, but are not entirely unpacked. I honestly don't even care what's in the boxes, but I have to go through them! I've been obsessing about the design of my place, but I've decided to just live in it a bit, relax, and then let things happen. So with these being said I picked up two amazing pieces today and totally wasn't looking for them!

The first piece I just couldn't pass up! I got an Art Deco wardrobe for $20.00, an amazing deal! I would never of went searching for this, but I was at a shop, a guy pulled up with a truck, and boom here's a new wardrobe! It's being delivered today. It's similar to this piece here minus the mirror. It's already been painted white and needs repainted. Hmm...what to do?! I then decided to venture on over to Wertz Bros. and just browse around. I was actually searching for something for another project, but I happened to stumble upon this gorgeous vinatge drapery panel from Saini Salonen and I fell in love! The colors are so bold and rich and the patterns are incredible. Saini's work is described as by Lesley Jackson in Twentieth Century Pattern Design as “fantastical bulbous compositions, suggesting giant insect antennae and exotic flowers, [which] were a remarkable feature of Borås Wäfveri's output during the late 1960s.” I am planning on hanging it on the wall, but can't decide whether I should wrap it on stretcher bars or just let it hang. It also fits perfectly on one of my windows, so it could still end up there!

This is the one I got today...yay!

So stunning!

These colors are amazing!

Again, just look at the color combination!


  1. Wow, Wow, Wowzer. First, Deco dresser painted or not for $20 MAJOR SCORE!

    Second, those drapery panels literally had my mouth dropping open. The color are incredible.

  2. Oh my goodness, I know! What an amazing deal! The drapery is so gorgeous in person, I want them all!
