
Friday, June 12, 2009


I'll be's Friday and I'm definitely ready for the weekend. I needed that extra boost today so on my way home from an appointment I rode on over to check out the new Intelligentsia Venice on Abbot Kinney. Man I love their coffee!

After all the hype I couldn't wait to see the interior of this new take on the "coffee shop". Well, let me just say it's not the same Bohemian Modern feel of Intelligentsia Silverlake with that oh so beautiful blue and white ceramic tile and plywood shelving. This space designed by MASS Architecture is more like a turbo jet ready for take off. It's designed to get you in and out. There are so many lines and shapes creating so much energy, and I was a little confused about all the mixtures of wood. The walnut stations are gorgeous, but the honey colored counters and the tigerwood seating threw me off a bit. Please do read about the concept behind this store, it's very interesting. I'm not going to judge just yet as I feel they will work out the kinks. I really appreciate that they are thinking outside the box and I will definitely visit often. Here's a via nicely85 and Eater La.

the hangar :-) and the stations

the lovely entrance.

Here are some gorgeous shots of the Intelligentsia Silverlake Coffeebar designed by Barbara Bestor Architecture.
photos via Barbara Bestor Architecture.

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