
Thursday, June 18, 2009

"A Musical Sculpture"

Design is my passion, but without music I couldn't survive! I want to share with you one of my favorite local bands that I've been obsessing over since last summer! If you know me, you've probably heard me rave about the band Warpaint. I have mad respect for these 3 beautiful independent female artists and that 1 bad ass male drummer. I've seen Warpaint probably 6 times and I stand in the front row, hips swaying, head tilting, jaw dropping, and just let them take me away. I can't really describe the sound and honestly I can't really compare them to anyone else, but this is when you know it's love...right?!

Here you go, this guy can! I love this description!

“This is some hip, sultry, stimulating stuff. Warpaint is making a musical sculpture with pinches of psychedelic, post-punk, and dreampop clay in a very non-blatant and interesting way.” ---Classical Geek Theatre

let those creative juices flow!

I think that's my hand:-)
photo by Dylan Gordon

So precious!
photo by Lauren she does amazing work.

yay! spirograph!

I think they are up to something...I can tell by their eyes!
photo by Mia Kirby

I just read that they are now signed to Manimal Vinyl and will be re-realeasing their EP Exquisite Corpse on awesome is that! Their EP Exquisite Corpse is available here and it's amazing!! Also don't miss their upcoming show at the Hammer on July 16th. I'm super bummed I missed their show tonight at Amoeba, but I was there in spirit!

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