
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Reuse of old furniture is one great way to observe Earth Day. I feel like you can get the best quality, some of the greatest designs, and that character that's missing in alot of mass produced items we see out there. Let's take a look at Upcylcing; "a reinvestment in the environment". I was recently at the Coachella Valley Music Festival, not only did it rock my socks off, but I saw the most amazing and expansive use of Upcylcing I have ever seen. You see pallets everywhere and it takes a creative crew like THE DO LAB to turn it into this Masterpiece.

Yet another use of the commom shipping pallet, the pallet chair. This is one of my favorite offices and I have had it in my inpsiration files for quite some time. The green and the yellow, although they were my high school colors, always seem fresh and cheery. This is perfect for our celebration of Earth Day.

The geniuses over there at and Made have had me drooling over these Lost and Found Stools for about 1 year. And the Lost and Found Table is amazing. I am working on the hotel project up in Oregon and I have these stools spec'd for use in the lobby. I've actually been searching for a vintage iron table base like the one shown, and it hasn't been as easy to find as I imagined. If anyone has any tips let me know!

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