
Friday, September 24, 2010

Thank know what!

When I discovered the work of Natalie Perkins I giggled and melted a bit inside. Seriously go check out her site, you'll see! 

This one here goes out to my work week [and a few other things in between].  Honestly what a week. 
Too stinkin cute!
Hehehe.  Sometimes this is so true.

I'm going to start doing this more often.
Also I'm going to send you off to the weekend with a brand new track my friend Jillionaire just released with Harlem Soul Collective.  I can't stop listening to it on repeat.  Happy Friday everyone and have a great weekend!

  Jungle Mind feat Bajka by Harlem Soul Collective

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Design Milk: The Beat Boxed 18

Check out my latest Beat Boxed for Design Milk.
Next month will be The Beat Boxed 1st birthday so please send me any suggestions of artists you would love to see.  You can take a look at all of the Beat Boxed posts right here.  Also please share any ideas and comments because I love to hear your thoughts!
Five things to know about The Naked and Famous:
1. The first time I heard the song Young Blood on KCRW its pure energy shot through me and shocked me out of my morning trance.
2. They are from Auckland, New Zealand.  One of my favorite places!
3. The Naked and Famous is an awesome name and they took it from the lyrics of a Tricky song.
4. They just won the APRA Silver Scroll, New Zealand’s most prestigious songwriting award, for their number one single Young Blood.
5. Their video for Young Blood rocks and is directed by the über-talented Special Problems. Don’t trust me though…check it out for yourself NOW!
The music of The Naked and Famous magically makes me feel carefree and at ease. As it plays, all my favorite things in the world start flashing through my mind. My favorite country in the world is New Zealand, my favorite place to be is outdoors, and an outdoor shower on the mountainside… yeah that’s in my dreams! Oh and music, well it just makes my world go round. So take a look into The Naked and Famous inspired “room” (aka outdoor shower on the mountainside in New Zealand) and see my dreams come true! After you spend just a bit here you’ll feel fresh and rejuvenated just as the music makes you do. 
1. Hills Clubhouse Patterson Architecture 2. Dyno Outdoor Shower by My Your 3. Chameledeon Lights 4. Oil Lamp 5. Tambor Table + Arpa Lounge Chair
Rock The House” this back-to-the-basics project transcends the simplicity of nature in its most usual forms. This guest house was carefully fabricated on the rocky coastlines of Spain. It blurs the lines between architecture and landscape and appears to be just another mossy colored boulder on the coastline. It’s not that at all. “It’s a piece of nature built with our own hands,” García-Abril says. “A space within a stone that blends with the surroundings. A contemplative space, a little poem.” The music of The Naked and Famous speaks the same way to me. Their latest album Passive Me, Aggressive You isn’t genre-breaking or even genre-defining, but it quickly dives into you, makes you feel all giddy, and carves out its own magical space on the inside.

The Day Begins...

i swear. 
both these images are from my dreams.  
things I see so vividly.   
continuously listening to what they are telling me.
just be free.

images via Lolita

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What The Eye Sees.

Eye, it's like you're breaking through the most gorgeous wall, crackling the layers of paint, and transcending through me.

And I like what you see. This room is telling so many interesting stories in just one little composition. I feel like I need a guided tour. I love all these deep colors layered with the rustic textures.

images via abandunce

Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Monday Peeps!

Hope you all had a beautiful weekend! I know I am feeling a little bit sleepy. But really all I need is a little bit of Pia Ulin to continue to inspire me on this peaceful Monday. Her work truly is breathtaking.

And if that's not enough here's the latest video "Groove Me" by Maximum Balloon ft. Theophilus London to perk you right on up! I can't wait to check them out at Cinespace tomorrow...yippee!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Go Ahead, Make My Day!

There's not much to say, but little lady you made my day. All I needed was a smile and a giggle and you brought both those to me...served up on a concrete platter!

Photo by Enzo Mondejar via Smashbox Yello!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just Relax.

The weather is cool, the day is calm, and the weekend was long. Curling up in bed with a sweet movie sounds about perfect right now! I'm thinking Paris, je t'amie...

I love the mood set by wrapping the iron beds with lights. I'm ready to relax in this soft and subtle glow.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Design Milk: The Beat Boxed 17

Here is my latest Beat Boxed: La Roux from Design Milk.An 80’s-inspired revivalist act, a trendsetter fighting against the trends, the anti-pop star pop star, whatever has been said about La Roux, the uniqueness of their futuristic sounds and Elly Jackson’s empowering lyrics is undeniable. The synth-laden pop has taken over charts in the UK and the US and continues to have an effect on everyone who listens. This appetite for synth pop keeps getting bigger and bigger, taking the once underground act the mainstream way. Although this was not the intention of La Roux (it was actually something they were against) but as it’s happening they are embracing it. Elly is easily recognizable with her signature wild red hair and her distinctive androgynous style and has become the photographer’s easy target. Their new album Sidetracked is now out, which is a snapshot of their biggest musical influences, but features only one of their new songs.

I love this video of “I’m Not Your Toy” for its pure quirkiness. We’ve got the tribal fashion and vibe, mixed with the futuristic personas and glowing sticks. The crazy characters dance weirdly around the pool in a steamy greenhouse and lounge around in retro wicker chairs…

Take a peek into the La Roux-esque bedroom. The eclectic style is 80’s inspired, but definitely goes above and beyond. Much like the video it’s filled with weird juxtapositions that oddly work together to create something funky and offbeat. The music and style of La Roux exudes characteristics that are definitely not mainstream, but are keen to a style that will attract you and dominate your senses. The retro 70’s regency bed frame and 50’s art unite with the 80’s bedding fabric. These styles unpredictably combine with the modern rug, chair, and side table to just fascinate you. The room just wouldn’t be the same without the Plexiglas fish tank!
1. Wholearth Wall Decal 2. Panoply of Rayguns 3. Arden Quin “Oedipe” 4. Pressed Glass Light Bead by Tom Dixon 5. Palm Beach Antique Regency Headboard 6. Vintage Fabric for Bedspread 7. Feather Kuma Pillow 8. Plexiglas Fish Tank 9. Bend Table by Established and Sons 10. Crash Chair 11. Wood Rug by Established and Sons

These interior shots from Casa D magazine conceptually remind me of La Roux. These pink walls cannot be forgotten and will get everyone’s attention much like Elly Jackson, the “red-haired one.” The room is a blast of style, but is not about creating the standard space just as all others do. It can still remain androgynous in style and form. The bed sits behind closed doors just like Ben Langmaid does…pure genius, but not too eager to be exposed. When you close off these doors the space appears to be solo, but little do you know what a masterpiece is hiding behind them.

Hope you enjoy the music. You can download an awesome mixtape here. Ready. Set. Go.

The Mix of Summer

Hope you all have an amazing Labor Day weekend and are sending summer out with a bang or with a very blissful weekend. Summer has been filled with many new memories, friendships, and lots of joyous moments. The memories of summer don't have to be forgotten though.

via pinterest

Enjoy this Summer Mix 2010 by Huggs and let it lock down your summer memories in one amazing mixtape!