
Friday, May 21, 2010

Things I Heart This Week.

I just spent a fabulous weekend on the Oregon Coast scoping out a new project! I went down to the beach each morning for a gorgeous walk. On my last day I was walking along, passing by millions of rocks, I looked down and this one, for some odd reason, caught my attention. I thought to myself I should pick that up, but I kept walking. After I was about 25 feet away I decided to turn around and go get that thing. When I picked it up it was a rock not just with a hole in it, but a rock with a heart in it! Oh heart I need to listen to you more often! So tonight I am just going to share with you a few things I "heart" this week!
1. "Follow Your Heart" Rock I found on the beach. 2. Love rug By Henzel. Seriously the colors are amazing! Love, Love, Love it! 3. I've shown you these before, but the "I love nice people who make cool things" posters by Will Bryant are the best! 4. The color combination in this image via Bloesem styled by Irina Graewe is insanely delicious! It made my heart skip a beat!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

*My Birthday Wish*

My birthday is coming up on Saturday and I've been racking my brain trying to make plans! I came across the gorgeous Hotel Azucar on Remodelista and decided this is where I want to be. Since it's located in Veracruz, Mexico you know it's not too far away, I could make it there right? my dreams! So even though I cannot actually be here in person, this is where I will be in spirit on my birthday!
now this is sugary white.
if you need to find me i will be in the hammock. the locally made hammock that is.

love the green and white. looks like heaven to me.

a parrot? or is that a parakeet? i'm not that good with the birds.
green glass key holders?! seriously gorgeous.

so simple. so sweet.
love the metal bucket in the shower that is used as a shampoo holder.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


With each page flip of VT Wonen I swear I gasped, "OH...MY...GOD"! The gorgeous colors, patterns, and texutres in the May issue have me satisfied for the rest of Spring!
that fluorescent orange-y pink on the deep seafoam-y green...I'm dying here!!
you think those pillows will make room for me! I'd love to snuggle up with them while drinking a cucumber mint water...or maybe a cucumber martini!
hot still got it!
darling, just darling.
now isn't this serene?!
sooo cute! can you image if this was your little guest cot?! wouldn't that be the sweetest thing ever?!
oh red, you're so sexy!
I always dreamed of having a bedroom in an attic!
one day my little girl...or maybe going to have a hanging swing chair AND a glam ass bathroom!
Thank you Yellowtrace for introducing me to VT Wonen.

Monday, May 3, 2010

No Problem, I'll Take It!

This private villa by C+L Studio is so serene. I would seriously move in today...well not like that's even an option, but a girl can dream right! It's so minimal, but feels so inviting. A perfect retreat to clear the clutter. The landscape and the outdoor area have me drooling!

The indoor/outdoor feel of the space is perfect! I would be sitting outside on that patio or in the pool enjoying the nature as much as I could!

This is another one of their projects that is still in progress. I cannot wait to see it when it is complete!